Thursday, May 15, 2008


TTFN is the sequel to the popular book TTLY. TTFN is Maddie, Angela and Zoe's junior year. With more problems to face. In this book Angela moves to California because her dad lost his job and her dad's, boss's daughter stalks her. Eventually she moves in with her Aunt Sadie back in Atlanta. Maddie is exposed to extreme amounts of peer pressure and starts to do drugs, simply because the guy giving her the drugs she is secretly in love with. Even though she hates it and he has a girlfriend. Of course she ends up getting caught and sent to jail for the night. Zoe struggles to keep Angela from knowing she is going out with, Doug. In their sophomore year, Doug, had a huge crush on Angela. Angela pretended to hate it but secretly loved having him around her to adore her. 

The characters really haven't changed since the first book. Maddie is still a tough, not so lady like trouble maker. Zoe is still sweet and innocent. But she tries harder to lose not be so innocent. Angela over-reacts more in this book than the first. She makes a HUGE deal over the tiniest things. It gets annoying after a while, but she gets better towards the end.

I also LOVED this book. It was great. I read this book in a day, too. Which is not normal for me cause I am the slowest reader on the planet. The book was of course, written in IM's which made it really easy to understand and fun to read. I would recommend this book to all my friends.

I tried something a little different this time as far as reading habits go. I tried to write note on things I noticed. But because I read the book A LOT faster than I thought I would, that strategy didn't work to well. But I did visualize. 

I couldn't find any new facts about the author except for that this book was written because she wanted to write a book that reminded her of the close relationship she had with her best friends in high school.

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